Community is Vital
Every Wednesday during the school year our CLC family gathers to spend time together. We sit and enjoy an tasty and inexpensive meal in our cafe and atrium area, and then we head off to different parts of the building for the more structured part of our evening. Our kids and teens head off for a night of fun filled bible based learning with their friends. For adults who want to deepen their knowledge of God, we have several excellent class offerings. Want adult conversation? Many people continue conversations begun over dinner in our cafe.
The CLC exists to Find Community & Follow JESUS, so
Come Wednesday's this fall and connect with us!
Dinner starts at 5:30pm
$5 a person
$25 cap per family
Nursery-5th grade
Check in begins at 6:20pm
Pickup is at 7:45pm
Middle &
High School
From 6:30pm-8pm
Doors at 6:15pm
Adult Classes
Look Below for more info!
Classes from 6:30-7:45pm
Classes begin Sep 18th unless otherwise noted
Knowing Our Limitless GOD More Intimately, Through the I AM Statements of Jesus Christ
Class Leader: Denise Smith
Location: Room 212
Many times, in our humanness, and without realizing it, we place limits on who God is, which can make our relationship with Him superficial. God wants us to know Him intimately, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Join in fellowship with Denise in looking at how the attributes of God are reflected through our Lord Jesus, in a study of the I AM Statements of Jesus. Together we’ll do a deep dive into the New Testament Gospel of John, doing a verse-by-verse study of the meaning and the context of the scripture in which Jesus spoke each I AM statement. This study will also include gaining a deeper understanding of how Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament prophecy within each of His I AM statements. Whether you’ve been a believer for years, or you’re a new believer, or on the fence about who Jesus is, Come and See, let’s explore together the PERSON of GOD through JESUS, so we may trust and believe even more, as we bring HIM all the glory through our everyday lives!
The Bible and The Ballot
Class Leader: Pastor Jeff Lampl
Location: Sanctuary
The goal of this class as we prepare to vote this Fall is to be guided by the Bible, understanding it through the “Jesus Lens”. In doing so you will discover that the bible, read through the “Jesus Lens”, will sometimes affirm your thinking but will at other times challenge it. This is a good thing! This class will also be held on Sunday mornings, beginning September 15, at 10:30 am in room 221.
Class Leaders: Vic and Donna Troutman
Locations: Room 105
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you're alone. Few people understand how painful and isolating your grief can be. But that doesn't mean you have to suffer by yourself. At GriefShare, you will find support, direction, and guidance on how to make it through.
Discover CLC
*2 night class: 9/18 & 9/25*
Class Leader: Pastor Bob Myers
Location: Room 125
This class will be held on Sunday, September 29th, or on Wednesday, September 18th & 25th during C.O.W. We are asking that you register for the 29th class as it is a luncheon. Click here to register for the 29th. Discover CLC is the next step of exploring CLC for people who are interested in seeing what it looks like to make CLC their church home. This class is the place to discover what CLC believes, what CLC's vision and values are, and what it looks like to be a CLC Covenant Partner, which are the terms we believe best describe what the Bible intends for committing to a local church. You'll enjoy a casual lunch, meet some great people, hear Pastor Bob share his heart, and discover more about the treasure of the CLC Family.
*Begins 10/2*
Class Leader: Pastor Bob Myers
Location: Room 125
ALPHA is an internationally acclaimed program designed to help people new to the claims of Christ and Christianity. The course functions as a meal, a talk, and a time of super-open, welcoming, discussion of the talk which centers on who Jesus is. If you are interested in bringing someone to check out one of the talks, you can invite them to "dinner and a movie" and assure them that it's up to them if they attend the next week. Each week, attendees can decide if it is worthwhile to attend. ALPHA attendees get free dinner and are encouraged to eat together in the café. If you can give us a heads-up that you would like to help Pastor Bob be a group leader, attend yourself, and or plan on inviting a friend please email